List of roads, public and private
There is a complete list of all of Orinda's Residential streets, public and private. Arterials and Collectors can be found in the P-TAP reports.
For each Residential street the following data is included:
- length (feet)
- number of homes
- member of HOA
- date the first house on the road was constructed (age of road)
- "legal status" of the private roads which was provided by the Orinda staff at the 7/10/2018 City Council meeting.
Included are three lists for each the public roads and the private roads:
- sorted by name
- sorted by number of homes
- sorted by age
There are also maps of Orinda and the location of the private roads.
The methodology for determining this data is as follows:
1) Using the Assessor's database for all (7,848) parcels in Orinda (as of 7/1/2022), we identified the (7,079) parcels with homes on them.
2) These were sorted these by street.
3) The public streets were identified from the P-TAP report and segregated from the private streets.
4) The public streets further segregated into Arterials, Collectors, School Streets, and Residential Streets.
5) The homes on each Private and Public Residential Street were counted.
6) The street lengths of the public streets came from the P-TAP report.
7) The street lengths for the (203) private streets were measured on Google Maps.
8) Street age (the oldest house on the street) was from the Assessor's data base.
A summary of the data in these tables is contained at the top of the list (public and private) sorted by name.
There are 261 public residential streets including 68 through streets and 193 cul-de-sacs and "loops". The average publicly maintained cul-de-sac/loop is 790 feet long with 12 homes.
There are 203 private residential streets including 12 through streets and 191 cul-de-sacs. The average private cul-de-sac is 716 feet long with 7 homes, similar in size and number to the public cul-de-sacs.
There are 55 private streets with 3 or fewer homes with a total mileage of 4.6 miles, 16% of all private streets. There are also 17 public residential streets with 3 or fewer homes.